
Frum / Ocean

Frum Ocean

What does it sound like when someone born and raised in the secluded Faroe Islands writes a song inspired by the seemingly endless ocean surrounding them? Fronted by Jenný Augustudóttir, Frum answer the question on their new single “Ocean”, released in May on hfn music.

In the song Jenný talks to her grandmother, “Putting your lipstick on and walking down the stairs like they were the wrong way.” The heartfelt memories of the pure relationship between the two through the grandchild’s eyes somehow don’t stop the song from making your toes jam. 

“I can still look into the ocean feel you’re near”

“Ocean” has a fascinating balance between a refreshing breeze of production from the islands and current electro-pop sound. 

But that’s not all you get – Frum is a multi-sensual experience primarily being music, film and expression through the body. Although it can be sensed through the music alone, directed by Barbara Lervig the music video for Ocean spells out the song in Frum’s very own audiovisual language. 

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